Kitas ne mažiau reikšmingas ES paramos verslui prioritetas – „Mokslinių tyrimų, eksperimentinės plėtros ir inovacijų skatinimo“ priemonė. Pagal ES paramos verslui MTTP sritį išskiriami du investiciniai prioritetai. Valerie 28.04.16 10:48 comment5, Canon mf3110 driver windows xp. Kak narisovatj russkuyu izbu vnutri poetapno v kartinkah.
Categories definition, any general or comprehensive division; a class.
Definition: Categories in the context to financial markets are asset classes where an investor can invest. There are various categories to invest in such as debt instruments, equity instruments and a portfolio of both. Description: Categories in context to mutual funds can be classified into equity fund, debt fund or hybrid funds with equity funds being classified by size (Large Cap Stocks, Mid Cap Stocks, Small Cap Stocks) and by investment styles like investing in a growth stock like a small company stock which possesses greater risk leading to greater returns. Other investment style includes investing in a value stock like large company stocks which are relatively less risky and hence provide lesser return.
Similarly in the debt or fixed income instruments, the bonds can be categorized by maturity and credit rating risk. Hybrid funds can be a mix of equity and debt with a higher orientation towards any one commensurate with the investment objective.
Also See: Mutual Funds, Investment Objective, Hedge Funds, Index Funds, ETF.
Art Portfolio (For Graduating Seniors Only) Category Description A series of 8 distinct works that communicate a single cohesive idea or visual investigation. The works can come from one category or any combination of multiple categories. Seniors may submit up to two Art Portfolios, but may not submit the same work in both portfolios.
Video Game Design and Future New Submissions may not be submitted as part of an Art Portfolio. Special Instructions Each work within the Art Portfolio is subject to the same upload rules as its equivalent in individual categories.
For example, a sculpture entry as part of a portfolio is allowed up to four images, while a photography entry is allowed one image. • In addition to the artwork, students may submit an word Artist Statement (at least 50 words) answering the following questions: • What idea or visual investigation does your portfolio explore? • Why is this exploration important to you? • What do you hope (stays with people/changes within people/people see differently) after they view your portfolio? • Artist statements may be entered on the “Create Portfolio” page. • Work included in a portfolio may also be submitted in an individual category (i.e. Drawing and Illustration, Mixed Media, etc.).
You will be able to indicate if you want to submit a work a part of a portfolio only, an individual submission only, or both on your student dashboard. • Seniors may resubmit artworks submitted to the Scholastic Awards in a previous year as part of their Art Portfolio. • Do not include any identifying information, such as your name, in the title of your portfolio or the works included in the submission. Writing Categories Instructions for all Writing Categories • Submissions must be primarily in English.
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