Download Bd Facsdiva Software Free Free Software

Download Bd Facsdiva Software Free Free Software

Download Bd Facsdiva Software Free Free Software Rating: 4,6/5 7684 votes

Download a Free 30 Day Trial today to Quickly Analyze Your Diva Data in. FCS Express can load FCS files from the BD FACSDiva™ software, just like you can. BD FACSDiva™ software is a collection of rich tools for flow cytometer and application setup, data acquisition, and data analysis that help streamline flow cytometry workflows for today’s busy laboratory.

© 2007, Becton, Dickinson and Company. All rights reserved. Engineering No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in retrieval systems, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without prior written perm ission from B D Biosciences. The informatio n in this guide is subject to change without not ice.

BD Biosciences reserves the right to change its products and services at any time to incorporate the latest technological developments. Although this guide has been prepared with every precaution to ensure accuracy, BD Biosciences assumes no liability for any errors or omissions, nor for any damages resulting from the application or use of this informati on. BD Biosciences welcome s customer input on corrections and suggestions for improvement. BD FAC SDiva software © Becton, Dickinson and Compan y.

Download Bd Facsdiva Software Free Free SoftwareFree

This software is the property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. Each sale of a stored unit of this software grants the purchaser a nontransferable, nonexclusive, personal license. This software may not be duplicated, reproduced, or copied in any form or by any means whatsoever, except as otherwise permitted by law. This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( BD, BD logo, and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company © 2007 BD Adobe, Acrobat, and Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Diskeeper is a registered trademark of Executive Software International. FlowJo is a trademark of Tree Star, Inc.

Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystem, Inc. In the US and other countries. Microsoft, and Windows, and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. BD Biosciences delivers software and workstat ions that are intended for running the instruments supplied by BD Biosciences. It is the responsibilit y of the buyer/user to ensure that all added electroni c files including software and transport media are virus free. If the workstation is used for Internet access or purposes other than those specified by BD Biosciences, it is the buyer/user’ s responsibility to install and maintain up-to-da te virus protection software. BD Biosciences does not make any warranty with respect to the workstation remaining virus free after installation.

BD Biosciences is not liable for any claims related to or resulti ng from buyer/user's failure to install and m aintain virus protection. BD FACSDiva software contains VxW orks as embedded software (“Run-Time Module”). The Run-T ime Module was developed by a third party and we are obligated to notify our customers about the limitatio ns for use. 34 17 56 Re v A 8/ 01 Pr o du ct io n re le as e fo r BDFA C SD iv a™ so ft wa r e ve rs io n 1. 33 07 98 Re v A 1/ 02 Up da te d f or ve rs io n 2.0: e nh an ce d pe rf or ma nc e, da ta ba se re de si gn an d d at a ma na ge me nt ut il it y, scalable data display, instrument settings features, Next button, more copy/paste ability, plot display features. 33 08 02 Re v A 6/ 02 Up da te d f or ve rs io n 2.1: e nh an ce d pe rf or ma nc e, wo rk sp ac e r ed es ig n w it h se pa ra bl e co mp on en ts, Browser-level folders, functioning Acquisition pointer, Sort Layout redesign, objects duplicated by dragging, drill-down gating, log decade gridlines on plots, view/hide gate boundaries, context- sensitive cursors, histogram smoothing, gate changes downloaded during sorting, automatic acquisition during record/sort, experiment import/export, Ratio Scaling factor per ratio, Area Scaling factor per laser. 33 36 02 Re v A 11 /0 2 Up da te d f or ve rs io n 2.2: A cq ui si ti on T em pl at es, U se r P re fe re nc es, a ut om at ed co mp en sa ti on calculation, copy/paste spectral overlap values, Instrument Status report, Sort report, Sort Layout counters, Contour plots, Auto-Interval gates, sticky buttons, Statistics View editor.