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主 题: kingtycztubna 反馈内容: in one half of which it seemed to be summer-time and in the other half winter.
Cool Edit Pro merupakan salah satu software power-packed digital sound editor yang digunakan untuk PC berbasis Windows. Semua fungsi yang diperlukan untuk mengambil proyek audio dari konsepsi sampai selesai dimasukkan dalam Cool Edit Pro. Cool edit pro 21 portable free download. Cool Edit Pro is an audio edition program to edit and improve your audio files that you can get for free. The 2.0 version or the latest 2.1 are some of the download options you have so you can mix your sound files using your full imagination. Cool Edit Pro is an advanced multi track sound editing program for Windows. It has the following (but not limited too) main capabilities: - Sound Filters via DSPE (Digital Signal Processing Effect).