English Burmese Dictionary Pdf
Links to karen english dictionaries. Helps Burmese refugees communicate in English, a key survival skill in America, Australia. Burmese English Dictionary Online Translation, Language, Grammar. English > Burmese dictionary & translation. Burmese-French dictionary [PDF] (2004).
Drum Publication Group is a small, independent, Karen community based organization dedicated to promoting education and preserving the cultures of the peoples of Burma. The current includes over 200 titles. Over 500,000 copies of Drum materials have been distributed to the target group to date. The web site aims to provide Karen people and all those interested in Karen language, access to Drum's educational materials and includes a regularly updated collection of as well as the group's on line.
St Paul Public Schools Karen Picture Dictionary Each Picture Dictionary has approximately 800 words, including alphabets and numbers, common phrases, animals, cultural artifacts and more! The 'Talking Dictionary CD' is a wonderful tool to help students learn Karen and English. Students will be able to hear the English and Karen spoken on a regular CD player, PC or Macintosh computer. (Please note that it is best to look at the picture dictionary while listening to the CD). Call the office 651-767-8320. They have the dictionary, but the website link is currently missing.
EDA DesignLine. Electronic Engineering Journal. • Maxfield, Clive (2008-07-07).. Retrieved 2011-03-31. Altium protel download. • Morris, Kevin (2010-12-14)..
English - S'gaw Karen Everyday Australian Picture Dictionary Contains almost 1,500 common English words to help people living in different places in Australia. Although this dictionary is designed principally for use by teachers and students in Australian ESL classes, we anticipate it will also find a home within immigrant communities throughout Australia, not only to assist with English but also, in the translated versions, to help with very important first-language maintenance amongst young people.