Ftx Global Vector V11
I use FTXG too, but a while back I've read on here that UTX v2.1 blows Vector out of the water in terms of performance, can't find that post now. I've been searching the forums for that post as well. I think I found (not sure) I have FTX Global and FTX Vector on my FSX-SE installed but for my jfrsh copy of P3D I'll be trying FTX Global plus UTX 2.1. The good thing about UTX is that you can try it out for 30 days and if you are not happy, you can return it.
Download FTX Global Vector 1.30 #FSX Download FTX Global Vector 1.30 #FSX FTX Global VECTOR, which is the culmination of over two years of R&D and GIS data development now combined into a single product to cover your whole Flight Simulator X or Prepar3D world with superb new vector details lik.
Not so with FTX Vector. Which textures do you have or planning on getting? I just realized that you have FTX Global. I'm in this position at the moment: I own FTX Global and OpenLC Europe and can't decide between FTX Vector and Ultimate Terrain X 2 Europe (UTX). There isn't much difference in price at the moment owing to Flight Sim Stores 33% off sale. I mainly fly in Europe. Vector represents better value for money if you fly in multiple continents, if you tend to stick in one area UTX might work out cheaper.
From what I've read and the comparisons I've seen, UTX's vector data is superior with better coverage of minor roads and railways, and the landclass includes smaller towns and villages that are omitted by OpenLC. I've also read that UTX uses less memory than Vector (no idea what the actual numbers are though). Blank uborki pomescheniya. And it would seem UTX's streetlighting is much preferred too. However, as has been pointed out OpenLC includes additional landclasses that work in conjunction with FTXG textures, so at the moment I think the best combination maybe Global+OpenLC+UTX (for its vector data alone). I wonder what others think to that above combination?
I've still not purchased UTX or Vector yet, I have until the end of the month to decide! Vic, Which landclass do you use with that combination? I thought FTX Global replaced the textures and didn't follow standards, so that if you use anything but FTX landclass, it won't show properly.
Not true at all. I use both the UTX landclass and the openLC from FTX. I have them layered so UTX has higher priority meaning that in areas that BOTH cover, UTX will show and in other areas, whichever has the coverage.
I also use the FreeMesh product and FS Global2010 mesh the same way - layered to get the best coverage. And although each system is different, I found that I had more of an FPS hit with Vector than UTX In a really strong system, FPS doesn't really mean that much as long as it is visually acceptable. What it does mean is that you have less leeway for additional add-ons to affect FPS enough so that it isn't visually acceptable.