Microsoft Yi Baiti Bold Font
You can finally enjoy the full features of Windows 7. It does not modify any of your files. Your files remain safe with no alterations whats ever and no harm is caused. Win7 activator tor. • It is 100% safe.
Fonts and supported products.; 50 minutes to read Contributors. Publisher 2000, Publisher 2007, Publisher 97, Publisher 98, TrueType Font Pack, Windows Small Business Server 2003, Word 2000, Word 2007, Works 4.5a, Works 9, PhotoDraw 2000, Picture It! Microsoft Yi Baiti: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista.
Detailed Information on the Font License: unknown Date added: 2017-09-01 Category:,,,, Downloads: 129 For Operating Systems: Windows, Mac, Linux For programs: Microsoft Word, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, Autocad, Sony Vegas, Adobe Reader Than to open a file: For Windows: FontForge, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5-X7, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017, FontCreator, Microsoft Windows Font Viewer, AMP Font Viewer. For Mac OS: FontForge, Apple Font Book, Bohemian Coding Fontcase, Mac OS X Font Book. For Linux: FontForge. Fl studio 12 regkeyreg zip file code.
Microsoft Yi Baiti Bold Microsoft Yi Baiti, Bold typeface of font family Microsoft Yi Baiti, Bold sample Microsoft Yi Baiti, Bold sample character map 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 20 30 40 50 60 70 A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 150 160 170 190 2C0 2D0 2000 2010 Microsoft Yi Baiti, Bold properties Property value Weight Bold Style Normal Stretch Normal Characters IsBoldSimulated True IsObliqueSimulated False CapsHeight 0,5390625 StrikethroughPosition 0,25 StrikethroughThickness 0, UnderlinePosition 0, UnderlineThickness 0, XHeight 0,5 Microsoft Yi Baiti, Bold names Lang Name en-us Bold.