Mulberry Serial Number Check

Mulberry Serial Number Check

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NumberMulberry bayswater serial number checker

Thank you all my dear Ladies! I have already dismissed this bag from being authentic, mainly because of it's hardware, i.e. The inner zipper pull being square, and also tree trunk, I think is not really sharp enough and not deep enough. But you right - this is a gorgeous bag, and it is even better looking in person vs. Maybe I should post the inquiry about this bag on Purse forum, and have them, Pros to give it a final verdict of fakeness (or not). Still have a faint shadow of hope.

Yes, the bag is unfortunately fake. The serial number is a definite fake (the most notorious and infamous fake Mulberry serial number, tantamount to '10218184' for Chanel) and even the font itself was something Mulberry has never used. Take note of how the first zero was etched underneath the fob. As much as the stitching may look 'good', the hardware used was a major give-away, especially the zipper pull and it looks lighter than original Mulberry zipper pulls. Too bad because I personally think the bag looked gorgeous by itself. =( I am the owner of the blog (second link) posted, by the way.

Renowned for its quality and exquisite artistry of luxury leather goods, is a timeless brand of crafted classics that have become staple accessories of modern phenomena in fashionista territory. The English label, famous for its quintessential production, eminent longevity and plush value has therefore fallen subject to counterfeit crime. This can be somewhat frustrating for authentic buyers and worrying for new ones, who are duped into buying designer duplicates by the phony professionals who work within this multi-mass business of counterfeit commerce. Though the replicas can imitate a look quite similar to that of the genuine article, they will never provide the same quality, durability, or expensive elegance that flows within the exterior and interior of a real Mulberry piece.

Contact us for website and online enquiries, general enquiries, press, wholesale and Mulberry Home. Website or Online Order Enquiries & Gifting Advice If you need any assistance with placing an order, if you have a question about or if you need any gifting advice, our Customer Services team is on hand to assist you 24 hours a day.

Here’s a quick guide on how to differentiate a genuine Mulberry and how to spot that fake! Pay attention to the material- work with your senses! Crafted with leather of only the highest quality, delicate and natural leathers are carefully chosen to create a Mulberry masterpiece. You should keep this in mind when purchasing your handbag – if the bag has a slick and sticky feel to it, then it is more than likely faux leather. Kartochki primeri na slozhenie i vichitanie do 10.

Use your senses - feel it, smell it – genuine leather has a very distinct scent that is almost impossible to replicate. Pay close attention to the material too; different leathers age in distinctive ways therefore making each product unique, meaning that shade and texture, particularly on the handles, can vary.

There are guidelines on how to prevent this, how to care for your handbag, and advice on how to minimise aging the leather, which we can talk you through. Some buyers however love the vintage patina, whilst others would rather prevent it – both can be mastered to suit your individual preference. A fake handbag however will not give you this option and its handles in particular will remain unchanged with a polished look. – Swap online for in store! Looks too good to be true?It more than definitely most probably is! With Mulberry, you get what you for. And that’s quality- so don’t be seduced by the profuse ‘SALE’ signs and the description that sounds absolutely professional on these scam sites, which promote themselves as ‘Mulberry Outlet’s’.