Otchet O Rezuljtatah Upravlencheskoj Deyateljnosti Rukovoditelya Dou Dlya Attes
Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle. One of the largest freshwater turtles in the world, reaching 120 kg, Rafetus swinhoei is known from the Red River in China and Vietnam and from China’s lower Yangtze River floodplain. Capture for consumption, river damming, wetland destruction, and water pollution reduced the global population to only three individuals, one in a reservoir west of Hanoi and a.
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Tick-tock, tick-tock, Knick-knock, knock-knick, Knickety-knick, Knickety-knock. *** One two three I love tea And Kate loves coffee *** The little train on a long, long track goes clickety, clickety Clickety-clack. I am a girl (a boy), A little one; I like to play, I like to run. *** When I am ten I’ll get a pen, Then I will write like brother Ben.
*** Here am I Little Jumping Joan; When nobody’s with me I’m all alone. *** The white bear. The water in the sea is cold, It is cold as ice, But I am not afraid at all: My coat is warm and nice.
*** Little pussy. I have a little pussy And her coat is grey She lives in my house And she never runs away. Nickety, pickety, my black cat!
Likes to sit in my blue hat. Nickety, pickety, my black cat! My black cat. My cat is black My cat is fat My cat likes rat Rats are grey and fat. I have a cat.
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I have a cat, his name is Pit, And with me he likes to sit, For Pit loves me, and I love Pit. I love my cat. It is warm and fat.
My cat is grey, It likes to play. Hickory, dickory, dock, The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, The mouse was gone, Hickory, diekory, dock.
Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been? I’ve been to London to look at the queen. Pussy cat, pussy cat, what did you there? I frightened a little mouse under a chair. Tom, Tom, the piper’s son, Stole a pig and away did run; The pig was eat And Tom was beat, And Tom went howling down the street.