Pasport Na Vagon Dom
Mar 7, 2015 - Canada, Dr. Cencen, was arranged at Dom Lipa in early. February 2015. Was a member of the men's choral group, “Fantje na Vasi,” which maintains a. Rain, a game or two of badminton and a wagon ride around the property. Slovenians can travel throughout Europe without a passport.
Passport Alerts and Events • We're holding special Passport Fairs across the United States to help you get your passport. Adults who are first-time applicants and all children can apply early and avoid the rush! New events will be added each week.
• Passport Services will be attending Travel and Adventure shows all over the country, February through March. Learn more about the events near you. • Passport photos that don't meet our requirements are the #1 reason applications get held up during the application process.
Learn how to have a picture perfect passport!
Similar words: (1.00) (1.00) (0.67) (0.62) (0.60) passion Sunday 1> _cerk. Pyatoe voskresen'e velikogo posta passion Week 1> _cerk. Strastnaya nedelya, poslednyaya nedelya velikogo posta passion play 1> _ist. Misteriya, predstavlyayushaya strasti gospodni passion-tide 1> _cerk. Pyataya i shestaya nedeli velikogo posta passover 1> _rel. Evreiskaya pasha 2> _rel.
Pashal'nyi agnec pass 1> prohod, put', propusk, pasport prohodit', peredavat', prevyshat', zapisyvat' (v kredit), propuskat', odobryat', utverzhdat' (plan, rashod i t. P.), prinimat' (zakon, reshenie i t. P.), imet' hozhdenie, prinimat'(sya) (o denezhnyh znakah), vynosit' (prigovor), puskat' v obrashenie (den'gi, obychno fal'shivye) pass 1> prohod. Pri mnogoprohodnoi obrabotke kazhdyi prohod posledovatel'no obrabatyvaet vhodnoi fail; vyhodnoi fail odnogo prohoda obrabatyvaetsya sleduyushim prohodom. 2> peredavat' (upravlenie, parametry).
Spisok dokumentov dlya statusa pereselenca iz turkmenii v rf 2. Alexander Kryukovskiy, Tatiana Chepurina, Maria Fominykh, Tatiana Trubacheva, Dr. Victor Smertin, Dr. Galina Tsymbal, Dr.
Pass 1> prohod; put' _Ex: the guide showed us the pass through the wood provodnik pokazal nam put' cherez les 2> put', podhod, klyuch (k chemu-libo) _Ex: she found the pass to his heart ona nashla klyuch k ego serdcu 3> kanal _Ex: the government's power to shut and open the passes of trade polnomochiya pravitel'stva otkryvt' i zakryvat' kanaly torgovli 4> prohod, uzkaya ulica, pereulok; proulok _Ex: a narrow pass with low houses uzkii prohod mezhdu nevysokimi domami 5> ushel'e, defile, pereval, sedlovina _Ex: a mountain pass gornyi pereval _Ex: the P. Of Thermopylae _ist. Fermopil'skoe ushel'e _Ex: wooded pass lesistoe ushel'e _Ex: the height of the pass is.
Vysota perevala. _Ex: a house on a pass domik na perevale _Ex: a pass over Andes pereval cherez Andy 6> _voen. Strategicheskoe ukreplenie, vysota _Ex: they defended the pass of the bridge oni oboronyali predmostnoe ukreplenie 7> _voen. Fort, krepost' v gorah 8> farvater, proliv, sudohodnoe ruslo, sudohodnyi kanal 9> rybohod 10> _redk. Brod, pereezd (na reke) 11> _gorn.
Prohod, propusknoe otverstie; skat, hodok dlya lyudei 12> kalibr ili ruchei valka 13> _gorn. Topograficheskaya s'emka 14> _av.
Netochno rasschitannyi zahod na posadku 15> _av. Prohozhdenie, prolet (samoleta) _Ex: close pass prolet na nebol'shom rasstoyanii, blizkii prolet _Ex: satellite pass prohozhdenie sputnika cherez zadannuyu tochku 16> perehod (iz odnogo sostoyaniya v drugoe) _Ex: pass of heat teploperedacha, perehod tepla 17> smert' _Ex: sudden pass vnezapnaya smert' 18> _kart. Pas _Id: a pass in review _voen. Prohozhdenie torzhestvennym marshem _Id: to gain the pass zashishat' svoe delo _Id: to sell the pass _knizh.
Predat' svoih storonnikov, svoe delo 19> idti; prohodit'; proezzhat' _Ex: to pass on the line idti po pryamoi (legkaya atletika) _Ex: to see smb. Pass videt', kak kto-to prohodit _Ex: to pass into the room proiti v komnatu _Ex: please let me pass pozhaluista, daite mne proiti _Ex: we passed through the town without stopping my proehali cherez gorod ne ostanavlivayas' _Ex: the river passes southward reka techet na yug _Ex: the road passes close to the village doroga prohodit nedaleko ot derevni _Ex: we passed along the river my shli vdol' reki 20> prohodit' mimo, minovat' _Ex: to pass smb. In the street vstretit' kogo-libo na ulice _Ex: to pass a building proiti mimo zdaniya _Ex: to pass a station proehat' mimo stancii (ne ostanavlivayas') _Ex: did you pass him on the road? Vy ne vstretili ego po doroge? _Ex: he had passed sixteen emu minulo shestnadcat' let _Ex: he has passed the fifty mark _razg.