Programma Dlya Rascheta I Proektirovaniya Garderobnoj

Programma Dlya Rascheta I Proektirovaniya Garderobnoj

Programma Dlya Rascheta I Proektirovaniya Garderobnoj Rating: 4,3/5 4166 votes

Whether you fly to Nuremberg on business or as a tourist, you shouldn’t miss visiting the city, as Nuremberg is undoubtedly one of the most interesting cities in Bavaria. The old town of Nuremberg at the feet of the towering imperial castle is more than picturesque: Gothic churches, splendid patricians’ houses and romantic corners and spots.

An atmosphere of lively co-existence between medieval and modern, between the past and the present prevails in Nuremberg. A varied cultural life, a rich museum landscape, excellent shopping facilities, a large number of traditional and international restaurants and bars – all this makes Nuremberg an unforgettable experience. Nuremberg’s city center provides excellent shopping facilities. One major shopping area is situated between the underground stations “Lorenzkirche” and “Weisser Turm”.


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Here you’ll find everything from international fashion shops, to shopping malls and department stores, book shops, drugstores, jeweler’s shops, music labels and sports equipment. Nuremberg’s more exclusive shopping area, “Kaiserstrasse”, stands for luxury articles and designer shops. Generally, the shops in the city center are opened Mondays to Saturdays from 10:30am to 8:00pm.

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