Remington 742 Serial Numbers Date
The Remington Model 783 Mossy Oak Break Up Country is Now Available in 6.5 Creedmoor Huntsville, AL – The Model 783 was designed by American’s bolt action experts and engineered with precision, durability and performance enhancing technology, now available in 6.5.
Recently, in my area, where the seller is voluntarily selling and the buyer is voluntarily buying. Rifles with long actions bring around $500 in excellent condition. Short actions bring slightly less (less popular). Carbines bring slightly more. Older rifles and carbines bring slightly m ore. The only time we can arrive at a true value is when the buyer and the seller agree on a price! SO, if you are a seller, or want to be a buyer, send me a message, we might be able to determine a value. Steve. You are referring to the chamber brush that was included with 742 rifles when purchased new. The Remington Model 742 is no longer available and was replaced with the Model 7400, Model 4 and the Model 74.
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These rifles have the same outward configuration as the Model 742, with slight internal changes to the bolt locking lugs. You may be able to get a chamber brush directly from Remington for the Model 742. If they no longer offer that Model specific (742) brush, those for the 7400, 4 and 74 will work. The Model 7400, etc. Has recently been replaced by the Model 750 which is very similar to all the above semi-auto rifles with an upgrade involving the gas-system. You need to specify which caliber you have. Cost will be around $10.00 plus shipping.
• 2100 Answers SOURCE: The serial number does not reflect the date of manufactuer, but there are letters stamped in the side of the barrel at the reciever, on the left side, they are a date code, I will give you an app, If there are more than a couple letters and numbers, it has been reworked by the factory. But none of mine have. M=1921,,,z=1931,,, and all the letters in between there except for o and q are the years, then it starts again at A=1932, and goes to L=1942, then,,,MM=1942,,,NN=1944,,,etc to ZZ=1953,,,then it stats with A again,,through Z= 1975 and after that it a random of letters I,O, Q and V, to 1979, then A, again, to Z=2005, then it starts again. Hope this helps. Posted on Mar 03, 2010.
• 1558 Answers SOURCE: Introduction Year:1909 Year Discontinued:1936 Remingtons manufactured between 1921 and 1972 have a code located on the left side of the barrel near the frame that identifies the year and month of manufacture. If yours is between 1921 and 1936, it should have two letters, one for month, and one for year. If it doesn't have this code, it was made between 1909 and 1920. REMINGTON Customer Service (1-800-243-9700 & follow the prompts) will look up your serial number and verify the age of your firearm.
Just to give some scope, serial number 757132 was 1929, about 569578 after yours. Posted on Feb 20, 2014.