Testi Kejsi S Otvetami Po Marketingu

Testi Kejsi S Otvetami Po Marketingu

Testi Kejsi S Otvetami Po Marketingu Rating: 3,7/5 6531 votes

For weak fields, though, one can describe the theory in a sort of newtonian language. In that case, one finds that the 'force' in GR is not quite central—it does not point directly towards the source of the gravitational field—and that it depends on velocity as well as position. This might seem to contradict the Solar System observations described above, but remember that general relativity is conceptually very different from newtonian gravity, so a direct comparison is not so simple. Tekst objyasneniya ob utere voditeljskogo udostovereniya v gibdd. Strictly speaking, gravity is not a 'force' in general relativity, and a description in terms of speed and direction can be tricky.

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