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Sirewe, ov~o kg / kg 269.26 245.09 210.77 Sheep cheese Jajca par~e / piece 5.89 5.84 5.00 Egg Med kg / kg 209.26 206.55 189.04 Honey. 3 Godina XLVI Broj: Ceni na zemjodelski proizvodi na zelenite pazari vo april 2008, po pazari Prices of agricultural products on retail markets in April 2008, by markets.
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Not eve n a whisper is to be heard in the g arden, Everything has calme d down until dawn. If you o nly knew how dear th ey are to me, The evenings nea r Moscow! T he river is moving and (so metimes) no t, All made of the m oons silver. A song sounds and is not to be heard In those quiet eve nings.
Why do you, darling, look at m e from the side, Be nding your hea d so low? It i s not easy to tell All the th ings that are in my heart. And dawn is getti ng more and more vi sible.
So, ple ase, be so kind: You, also, do nt forget The se summer eveni ngs near Mosc ow. Eve n whispers aren't hea rd in the garden, Everything has die d down till morning. If you on ly knew how dear t o me Are these Mosc ow nights.
T he river moves, unmo ving, All in sil ver moonlight. A song is heard, yet un heard, In th ese silent nights. Why do you, dear, loo k askance, With yo ur head lowered s o?
It is har d to express, and har d to hold back, Everything that my hear t holds. But the da wn's becoming ever brig hter.
So plea se, just be go od. Textbook of medical biochemistry by chatterjee pdf download. Do n't you, too, forg et Th ese summer, Moscow ni ghts.